
Posted on 週一 10 五月 2021 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, Awesome Lists, Firefox, Add-ons, Extensions

Awesome List of Brower Add-ons / Extensions

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Windows 下手動修正 VLC 界面縮放

Posted on 週一 10 五月 2021 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, VLC, Media Player, Windows, High DPI, Touchscreen, Fractional Scaling

は?Windows 竟然支援觸控熒幕?

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YouTubeあるある - 鎖定高畫質

Posted on 週一 10 五月 2021 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, Firefox, Add-ons, Extensions, YouTube

你手機可以看 4K?

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把檔案壓縮影片轉檔任務放進佇列!用 WSL Task Spooler 排隊 Windows 的指令

Posted on 週一 12 四月 2021 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, WSL, Linux, Task Spooler, Shell Script, File Archive, Queue

WSL Task Spooler Work With Batch Script

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Raspberry Pi 4B 搭建 NAS 第二話:網路篇

Posted on 週五 03 四月 2020 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, Raspberry Pi, NAS, HDD, Ethernet, Wi-Fi

Raspberry Pi 4B NAS Episode 2 (Network)
究竟讀寫速度會卡在 USB 還是 SMB 呢?rPi4B NAS 翻車最終話!\滑稽。

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Raspberry Pi 4B 搭建 NAS 第一話:外接式機械行動硬碟和 USB 篇

Posted on 週五 03 四月 2020 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, Raspberry Pi, NAS, HDD, USB, USB HUB

Raspberry Pi 4B NAS Episode 1 (HDD & USB)
爬文是不可能爬文的,这辈子不可能爬文的。Spec 又不會查,Run 不起來纔是正常的樣子。

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BitTorrent 從入門到出門

Posted on 週三 11 十二月 2019 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, BitTorrent, Download, File Sharing, Tutorial, Computer Concepts

BitTorrent Introduction

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如何在不同環境下設定 Proxy 代理伺服器

Posted on 週日 20 五月 2018 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, Proxy, Tutorial, Computer Concepts

Proxy Settings

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Posted on 週三 07 二月 2018 in Category • Tagged with zh_TW, Graphics, File Formats, Computer Concepts

Comparison of Graphics File Formats

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